Current Exchanges
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In July, three students and three chaperones visited Sakai where they enjoyed homestay for 4 nights. The students were from Berkeley Technology Academy and other bay area high schools.
5 high school students (2 girls, 3 boys) from Sakai visited Berkeley for 5 days from July 28 to August 2, 2017. This is the 2nd student exchange in this new relationship between the cities, harkening back to the original student exchanges from 50 years ago – very fitting for the 50th Anniversary of the sister-city relationship. Both cities are fully behind these new student exchanges both from the sister city associations as well as the city governments.
This year marks the beginning of a new student exchange program between Berkeley and Sakai. Five high school girls and four adults traveled to Japan July 28 to August 8, 2016 and spent 4 days in Sakai.